All rights reserved © Thomas Allgeier This page was last modified on 18/1/21



Stanton Instruments made quite a range of balances that do not fall within the categories listed so far, perhaps more so than other makers. In fact, they appear to have tried their hands on anything within reason as long as the customer was willing to pay.

One product range unique to them was their thermo-balances, recording thermo-balances and mass-flow balances, as used for the then new technology of thermogravimetric analysis. This lead eventually to the formation of Stanton-Redcroft, a company exclusively dedicated to such techniques. But these balances and S-R would deserve a website of their own...

A 7lb portable inspector's balance, County of Birkenhead. Used by weights-and-measures inspectors to verify trader's weights and pre-packaged goods.

The balance proper of the 7lb inspector's kit.

A small portable inspector's balance. 1/2 ounce capacity, Nottingham County Council. Same use as above.

The 1/2 oz balance assembled.

Model SD12. Stanton made balances much higher capacity, too (at least up to 56 lbs). This is a 10 kg mass comparator, optically resolving to 1 mg, air-damped and weight-loaded up to 200 g. Still in use today.

The beam of the SD12.

A special which appeared on Ebay. Most features along the "A" model series, but only one damping pot on the r/h side.

The beam of this special, with it's sole damping pot. Note that even the support bracket on the l/h side is missing.

A recording balance. Based on a standard analytical design it electronically records any change in weight of the sample on the pan. The box on top of the case contains the electronics (an early version of a servo system) and the chart recorder which logs the weight changes.

The beam and inner workings of the Stanton recording balance.

Model 761 Stanton-Redcroft Thermogravimetric Analyser, which appeared on Ebay. Note the balance beam (somewhat tilted) inside the glass vessel.


The electronics box and chart recorder of the Stanton recording balance.

Pictures of a 56 lb inspector's balance by Stanton (Borough of Boston) including transportation box. Many thanks to Vasilis Manolis from Greece.  


Pictures of a High Precision (HP) model with long-range optical projection, and the original photograph taken before shipment.100 g capacity, also shown is the projector and screen. Many thanks to Michael Harrison from Australia.

Pictures of a special version of the BA series balance, probably based on the BA7. 2 features are noteworthy: The balance is left-handed, with the arrestment on the right and the weightloader on the left, basically mirrored from the standard arrangement. And it is a Synchro Release model, where the release mechanism is driven by a low-voltage AC motor geared to the release shaft. Turning the release knob just activates a switch which turns the motor on, until the balance is smoothly released at always the same speed, totally operator-independent. Arrestment is achieved in the normal way, turning the knob in the opposite direction directly turns the shaft. So there is no “Synchro Arrest”. The mechanism achieving all this is shown below. The label states “Special” where normally the model number would be.